Week 6: September 16 - September 21, 2024
HALL CO. MARCHING BAND EXHIBITION (WEST HALL HS) Call Time: 3:45 p.m. Additional Information can be found HERE. |
MB Full Band Rehearsal (4:00 p.m.–7:00 p.m.) |
No Scheduled Events |
MB Full Band Rehearsal (4:00 p.m.–7:00 p.m.) |
No Events Scheduled |
No Events Scheduled |
As always, please check the band's calendar at:
If you haven't joined our Cherokee Bluff Band Parents Association - CBBA Facebook Page, please click the image below! This is a private page for general communications and posting links for photos, videos, directions, changes in schedules, etc. Please invite any band parents, grandparents, or other band family members to join!
Hello Bear Band Family!
We have an exciting week ahead for our students! On Monday, we'll be heading to West Hall High School for the 2024 Hall County Marching Band Exhibition. Here's a quick rundown of the plan:
We have an exciting week ahead for our students! On Monday, we'll be heading to West Hall High School for the 2024 Hall County Marching Band Exhibition. Here's a quick rundown of the plan:
3:45pm: Students should meet in the band room to gather uniforms and load equipment.
After announcements, we'll load the buses and head out, aiming to arrive by 5:00 p.m.
5:00pm: Arrive at West Hall HS; Students will have a designated section in the stands, while parents
and other spectators will have their own seating area.
Dinner: Students will grab dinner from the concession stands and eat in the stands.
7:15pm: Our Marching Bears are scheduled to perform!
9:15pm: We expect the event to wrap up around this time. If you wish to check out your student after
the event, please send documentation with them before we depart and check them out
with Mr. Cantrell or Mr. Lonberger after the event.
For more details about the Hall Co. Marching Exhibition, please visit HERE.
After announcements, we'll load the buses and head out, aiming to arrive by 5:00 p.m.
5:00pm: Arrive at West Hall HS; Students will have a designated section in the stands, while parents
and other spectators will have their own seating area.
Dinner: Students will grab dinner from the concession stands and eat in the stands.
7:15pm: Our Marching Bears are scheduled to perform!
9:15pm: We expect the event to wrap up around this time. If you wish to check out your student after
the event, please send documentation with them before we depart and check them out
with Mr. Cantrell or Mr. Lonberger after the event.
For more details about the Hall Co. Marching Exhibition, please visit HERE.
On Tuesday and Thursday, we'll have our usual full band rehearsals (4pm-7pm). Note that there's no football game this week, so our focus will be on perfecting our show and preparing for our upcoming competitions.
Cookie Dough/Cheesecake Fundraiser Update
Fundraiser items will be delivered to the school on Wednesday, October 2nd and will need to be picked up between 4:00- 5:30pm in the MIDDLE SCHOOL Band & Chorus Rooms. Any students who sold less than 8 items will be able to carry them home on the bus or through car riders as normal. Any student who sold more than 8 will need to pick up their items in the bus parking lot at the side entrance of the school between 4:00-5:30pm. We will only be here after school until 5:30pm and ALL fundraisers must be picked up by then. The school does not have enough freezer space to store items that are not picked up. Please be sure that you make arrangements to get your items on time. These items are coming frozen but will not stay frozen for very long, so please be sure to hand them out or get them in a freezer quickly. Also, be sure to tell people thank you when you deliver items.
*Order Errors: With so many orders coming in, there are bound to be a few mistakes. If you find that you are missing anything or you have an extra item that is not yours, please fill out the google form sent home through Cut Time, Infinite Campus and Canvas. ALL missing items need to be reported by FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4th.
*Order Errors: With so many orders coming in, there are bound to be a few mistakes. If you find that you are missing anything or you have an extra item that is not yours, please fill out the google form sent home through Cut Time, Infinite Campus and Canvas. ALL missing items need to be reported by FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4th.
Concession Stand Volunteer Commitments
Marching Band families - please make sure to sign up for your concession stand volunteer commitments. You can find the links HERE.
Thank you for your continued support and dedication to our band program. Let's make this week fantastic for our students!
All parents are welcome to attend (Grades 6-12) as we work together to build an awesome experience for our kids.
CBBA Executive Board Meeting TUESDAY (7:00pm)
Our next CBBA General Meeting (All Parents) is *Tuesday, October 8th (7pm).
All parents are welcome to attend (Grades 6-12) as we work together to build an awesome experience for our kids.
CBBA Executive Board Meeting TUESDAY (7:00pm)
Our next CBBA General Meeting (All Parents) is *Tuesday, October 8th (7pm).
It's true that band is a wonderful experience for the students. It's also true that there's a lot of work required to support it! That's why we need you as a volunteer. And, yes, you really will have fun when you volunteer and get to know other parents and band students. Check out our SIGNUPGENIUS link to see how you can help us!
Middle School Announcements:
6th Grade Band
- Fundraiser Delivery: We will communicate the fundraiser delivery date as soon as we have it. We are expecting it to be the last week of September or first week of October. Thank you for doing your part to help us raise these much needed funds for our band program!
- Practice Logs: All 6th Grade Band students will be given a weekly practice log beginning this week and will continue weekly up until Christmas Break. Students should mark down any practice time outside of class throughout the week on this log with 100 minutes being the minimum expectation. Practice logs are due each Monday after being signed by a parent and students will submit a picture of the signed practice log through Canvas. We ask students to practice several days throughout the week to space out their practice time and we ask them to always take instruments home on Fridays because they will miss 3 days of possible practice if they leave it at school on Friday. Please help students set up regular practice days/times at home if possible.
- Note Reading Tests: We have begun learning to read the first 5 notes on each instrument and students can practice this skill on the website www.musictheory.net and then click on exercises and then note identification. We will begin having note reading tests in the coming weeks as this is a critical skill to playing successfully. These tests are timed and for accuracy. Please encourage your child to work on this skill at home.
- Download This App: All 6th Grade Band students other than percussionists should down the app “Bandmate Chromatic Tuner” on some device that they have access to as they are practicing at home. This is a free app that will help them know if they are playing their notes correctly.
7th Grade Band
- Fundraiser Delivery: We will communicate the fundraiser delivery date as soon as we have it. We are expecting it to be the last week of September or first week of October. Thank you for doing your part to help us raise these much needed funds for our band program!
- Honor Band Practices: We will not have any Honor Band Practices after school this week. The next practice will be Monday, September 23rd until 5:30pm. These practices are optional but students will not be prepared for the audition if they are not regularly attending these rehearsals. We anticipate Monday practices for September and then Mondays and Thursdays once we get to October.
8th Grade Band
- Fundraiser Delivery: We will communicate the fundraiser delivery date as soon as we have it. We are expecting it to be the last week of September or first week of October. Thank you for doing your part to help us raise these much needed funds for our band program!
- Honor Band Practices: We will not have any Honor Band Practices after school this week. The next practice will be Monday, September 23rd until 5:30pm. These practices are optional but students will not be prepared for the audition if they are not regularly attending these rehearsals. We anticipate Monday practices for September and then Mondays and Thursdays once we get to October.
- Fall Band Concert Date: We are having a Fall Band Concert for all 8th Grade Band and High School Band students on Tuesday, October 29th. The concert will be held in the Cherokee Bluff High School Small Gym beginning at 6:00pm. Please mark this date on your calendar. More details will be sent home soon.
High School Announcements:
- Fundraiser Delivery: We will communicate the fundraiser delivery date as soon as we have it. We are expecting it to be the last week of September or the first week of October. Thank you for doing your part to help us raise these much-needed funds for our band program!
- New York Trip: Information about the New York Trip can be found HERE.
- SCROLL DOWN AND LOOK AT ALL OF THE EVENT DATES ON THE CALENDAR! There is a list of events and a calendar. All parents and students need to mark these events on their own individual calendars. There is no excuse for not knowing what's going on - please mark your calendars!
- Attendance: Every parent and student should read the ATTENDANCE POLICY. Please be reminded that if you see that you are going to be absent from class or rehearsal, please notify Mr. Cantrell so that we can plan accordingly for our rehearsals. it is recommended that you notify him well in advance (NOT THE DAY OF THE ABSENCE!). This is the link for the ABSENCE REQUEST FORM if you know that you will be missing a rehearsal or event.
We begin with our regular weekly practice schedule this week:
Mondays: Guard & Percussion Sectionals (4pm-6pm) / Winds Sections (TBA)
Tuesdays: FULL BAND (All Students) (4pm-7pm)
Thursdays: FULL BAND (All Students) (4pm-7pm)
Fridays: Football Game Performances
Saturdays: 9/7, 9/28, 10/5, 10/19
Mondays: Guard & Percussion Sectionals (4pm-6pm) / Winds Sections (TBA)
Tuesdays: FULL BAND (All Students) (4pm-7pm)
Thursdays: FULL BAND (All Students) (4pm-7pm)
Fridays: Football Game Performances
Saturdays: 9/7, 9/28, 10/5, 10/19
Ok Folks!! Long-awaited and requested... Concessions volunteer positions are now LIVE. Let’s get some spots filled! This is truly a great way to meet other band parents and enjoy some time with them. As a reminder, all families are asked to fill two shifts for the season. Thank you to Mrs. Abbey Carr (our fearless concessions manager) and Jeanine Reagan for organizing these links.
10/11 vs. Monroe Area: https://www.signupgenius.com/.../10C0E4BAAAC23A5FDC07...
11/1 vs. East Hall (Senior Night): https://www.signupgenius.com/.../10C0E4BAAAC23A5FDC07...
10/11 vs. Monroe Area: https://www.signupgenius.com/.../10C0E4BAAAC23A5FDC07...
11/1 vs. East Hall (Senior Night): https://www.signupgenius.com/.../10C0E4BAAAC23A5FDC07...
With the start of after-school rehearsals and various performances for football games, competitions, and parades, we have some needs for making sure that our students are fed. If you are able to donate some snacks, drinks, food, etc., please see the link below.
ADDITIONAL Marching Bears Information
Information about the Marching Bears can be found by clicking the button below. After arriving on the Marching Bears page, scroll to the bottom to find: the summer schedule, band camp info., full marching band schedule for the season, and other marching band resources for parents and students.
Student attendance at ALL rehearsals is required. Failure to communicate pre-arranged absences will result in a penalty or withdrawal from the group. In order for us to be successful, we need ALL STUDENTS at rehearsal ALL OF THE TIME!
Looking ahead to 2025:
Please note that the above dates are required for full participation in the Marching Bears.
You can NOT miss any of those dates - NO EXCUSES!
- Guard & Percussion Camp: June 23 - June 27 (All Colorguard and Percussion students must attend!)
- Parent Meeting: July 13 (CBHS Theater - 5:00pm)
- Marching Bears Pre-Camp Rehearsals: July 14-15, July 17-18 (All Marching Bears members must attend)
- Marching Bears Band Camp: July 21 - July 25 (All Marching Bears members must attend)
Please note that the above dates are required for full participation in the Marching Bears.
You can NOT miss any of those dates - NO EXCUSES!