Registration and Fees
Marching Band Registration takes place in the Spring of each year. In order to be an active member of the Marching Band, each student and parent must complete registration forms (including medical authorization, travel, and acknowledgement forms). All students and parents are required to be in good standing with band dues and volunteer obligations. For questions about band fees, please contact the directors. All members must have completed forms on file in order to participate and travel with the band
Held during the last full week in July, Pre-Camp (the week prior) starts with Rookies and everyone is added by mid-week. Band Camp is taught by the Cherokee Bluff directors, camp staff, and student leadership. Camp is required of all students in the band. Approximately “seven weeks” of normal rehearsal time is crammed into the week so attendance is a must. Parent volunteers will be in attendance to help out with whatever needs may arise.
Students are expected to attend all rehearsals and performances. If there is a situation that will prevent this, an excuse form must be requested and filled out BEFOREHAND. After-school rehearsals will be on Tuesdays (4:00PM-7:00PM) and Thursdays (4:00PM-7:00PM). Occasionally, there will be called sectional rehearsals by Mr. Cantrell (see Marching Band Calendar) on Mondays after-school (4:00pm-5:30pm. All rehearsals take place on the Cherokee Bluff High School Campus (HS Band Room or Band Practice Field). If a student is absent from school on the day of an after-school rehearsal, this does not automatically excuse the student for that afternoon. Someone must contact Mr. Cantrell at the band office, 770-967-0080 ext. 13252.
Do not leave a message with a student.
Do not leave a message with a student.
*Occasionally, we will have some sectionals for Wind Players on Mondays (once every few weeks). Students will receive a schedule with these listed, but no more than 3-4 Mondays through the season.
FULL BAND (All Students) (4:00pm-7:00pm)
FULL BAND (All Students) *DRESS REHEARSAL (4:00pm-7:00pm)
FULL BAND (All Students) (Football Games – TBA)
(Selected Saturdays in late September and October). Students will receive a schedule with these listed, but no more than 2-3 competitions per season).
Marching Band rehearsals will take place at CBHS (unless otherwise specified by the directors).
*On Thursday Dress Rehearsals, ALL students are required to wear a plain white shirt and black shorts. As the weather cools, students should wear black sweatpants, along with a plain white top.
*Occasionally, we will have some sectionals for Wind Players on Mondays (once every few weeks). Students will receive a schedule with these listed, but no more than 3-4 Mondays through the season.
FULL BAND (All Students) (4:00pm-7:00pm)
FULL BAND (All Students) *DRESS REHEARSAL (4:00pm-7:00pm)
FULL BAND (All Students) (Football Games – TBA)
(Selected Saturdays in late September and October). Students will receive a schedule with these listed, but no more than 2-3 competitions per season).
Marching Band rehearsals will take place at CBHS (unless otherwise specified by the directors).
*On Thursday Dress Rehearsals, ALL students are required to wear a plain white shirt and black shorts. As the weather cools, students should wear black sweatpants, along with a plain white top.
All students are expected to attend all rehearsals (unless they have secured an excuse; see attendance policy above). Time missed from rehearsal must be made up either after rehearsal or before the next rehearsal, which may include additional physical conditioning (running laps, pushups, or marching fundamentals) as determined by the directors. Students with excessive absences or tardies may be suspended from performance. The decision as to the length of suspension and/or disciplinary action will be determined by the director according to the circumstances.
- Do not move or talk at attention. You are to be at attention unless otherwise notified.
- Do not sit down when at ease unless told you can do so.
- Do not be disrespectful and do not have a cell phone out at practice. If using a drill app on your phone, please use it wisely and do not use that time to play on social media.
- Do not talk while band director, drum major or section leader is talking.
- Make sure all needed materials are present at the beginning of rehearsal (music, coordinate sheet, correct shoes, socks, etc.).
- Students are expected to have their water jugs with them at all times. A hat and sunglasses are strongly encouraged.
- Coordinate sheets MUST be cared for. This means no folding them, tucking them into pants or defacing them in any other way. If you choose not to use the drill app, you must have your coordinate sheet at all times.
- Dark clothing should NEVER be worn at camp or any marching band function that is outside. Inappropriate clothing will be determined by the directors (i.e. Black shirts, dark brown, blue, gray shirts, dark, heavy pants with pockets, anything we feel may be detrimental to your health and safety.) The only excused shirt that can be a dark color is any type of dry-fit shirt due to the qualities and features of those garments. It is still preferred to have no dark clothing on the field.
- Student leaders should always have their drill charts that are provided to them by the directors. The purpose of having the drill charts is to be able to help other students; however, when you do not have them, you are doing a disservice to your obligation as a student leader.
Failure to comply with these expectations or any other policy in this handbook could result in the student being suspended or removed from the band program, depending on the severity of the situation.
The directors are charged with the responsibility of reviewing each situation carefully and considering how each situation will affect the future and total band program at Cherokee Bluff High School.
The Drum Major(s) will inspect the leadership members. Then, the section leaders will inspect the students. Section leaders report to the Secretary.
Failing inspection on Friday night and/or competitions performances will result in loss of third quarter break for each offense. Chronic inspection failures will result in additional disciplinary actions, including dismissal from the group.
- Wear the uniform jacket zipped all the way up or take it completely off. Pants and shoulder straps should be worn all the way up.
- Never leave uniform lying around. Hang it up or wear it.
- All winds and percussion students must wear the purple wicking t-shirt underneath the jacket unless specified by the director. If show shirts are worn, you must wear the current year’s band shirt. Long-sleeve undershirts are allowed in black, white, purple, or gray (school colors), as long as the fitting is completely under the uniform. Taking preliminary precautions for cold weather is advised before covering the uniform.
- All ball caps (when worn as directed by the directors) must be worn properly with the bill of the cap facing forward. Students should never flip the cap backwards while in uniform.
- Shakos (hats) should be carried upright when not being worn and not carried like a bucket. Carefully place your shako upright when not on your head or in the storage box.
- Treat your instrument and uniform with pride and respect at all times.
- Band jackets may only be worn traveling to or from games/competitions. Band letter jackets are not to be worn in the stands. Guard members can wear band jackets, “band hoodies” or approved auxiliary clothing in the stands due to the nature of their uniforms.
- Uniforms will be checked, as described in band class, for proper storage in the uniform bag. Penalty for improper storage will be assessed by the directors.
- Uniforms on the bus can include no jacket, but the shoulder straps must be on the shoulder. Pants should never be taken completely off. Whatever the chaperones say to do is the law, even if it differs from this.
- Guard members may wear either the band shirt or guard section shirt, as specified by the guard director.
- WOODWINDS, BRASS, PERCUSSION – all uniform numbers MUST be memorized.
- Black socks that are at least to mid-calf. NO ANKLE SOCKS. We must not see skin on your leg when you sit.
- Clean, non-wrinkled uniform and no missing pieces.
- Clean shoes (must be band shoes unless approved by the Director)
- Clean, smudge free shako brim. Black berets for sousaphone players.
- Must be able to identify shako, ball cap, jacket, gauntlets, bibbers (pants) and any other part. It is highly recommended that members label non-numbered items.
- Clean band wicking shirt (or show shirt as determined by the directors).
- Hair must be worn in such a manner as not to touch collar of uniform with hat on. Any item used in the hair must be purple, white or match the natural hair color.
- Hair bows that are black, clear, or matching hair color may be worn. Hair may be worn down in the stands. GENTLEMEN must wear their hair off their collars- no exceptions.
- Instrument must be clean, functional and in good playing condition.
- Students who are late to inspection should be inspected by the appropriate person ASAP after their arrival. It is the student's responsibility to see to this.
- Jewelry should be small, unobtrusive, and tasteful. Ear studs must be black, silver, purple or clear. Piercings other than an ear piercing will be reviewed by the directors as to appropriateness.
- Nail polish should not attract attention. The key is to be uniform.
- White gloves (when determined by the directors).
- If you choose to carry anything into the stadium, it can only be done in your band bag.
- Tattoos are highly discouraged but must be covered if they are visible.
- Makeup- this must be in natural/skin-colored tones. No wild colors, glitter, sequins, etc.
- Clean and wrinkle-free uniform that is hemmed properly.
- Black socks or body tights- no footie socks.
- Black or tan guard shoes as mandated by the director.
- Makeup, jewelry, and hair requirements will change depending on the theme of the show and all must match.
- Equipment must be clean and in performance condition.
- No jewelry other than an ear studs. See above rule number 11.
- Pants must be hemmed by the first game, and this is the member’s responsibility.
- 9. Tattoos are highly discouraged but must be covered if they are visible.
The Drum Major(s) will inspect the leadership members. Then, the section leaders will inspect the students. Section leaders report to the Secretary.
Failing inspection on Friday night and/or competitions performances will result in loss of third quarter break for each offense. Chronic inspection failures will result in additional disciplinary actions, including dismissal from the group.
- If a student lacks any part of his uniform or equipment at the time of inspection, the first offense will result in the loss of their third quarter break. After the second offense, the student will lose the third quarter break for the rest of the season. If a student needs any part of the uniform, they should see a uniform chaperone or the uniform manager at least thirty minutes prior to inspection. Gloves, socks, and ball caps may be bought, and shoes, ball caps, etc. may be borrowed; however, the student who borrows items must still lose their third quarter break (except for those who buy items in advance of the deadline time).
- If a student is improperly dressed while required to be in full or partial uniform, they will lose third quarter break.
- If a student leaves any part of his uniform or equipment unattended after a game, performance, trip, or other event, they will be given severe consequences at the next rehearsal.
- Lost items must be replaced so the cost of the new item will be assessed.
Competitions are special events where we get to perform for a sophisticated audience and very competent judges. WE ARE THERE TO DO OUR BEST – NOT TO WIN!! If we do our best, then everything will take care of itself. Specific information is given prior to competitions as to directions, departure and anticipated return time. All parents are encouraged to attend competitions and support the band. Students may use the band phone to call following a trip. Parents, PLEASE COME AND SUPPORT US!!
Should the Cherokee Bluff Football team make the GHSA playoffs, the band is expected to attend every playoff game.
- Attendance at playoff games is mandatory and does count towards your yearly letter.
- If you have a conflict that cannot be rescheduled, you must personally contact the directors about the conflict and provide a written excuse from your parent or guardian detailing the conflict.
- If you are absent from any game without prior verbal and written notification (barring sickness or death in family), your absence will be counted as “unexcused” and will count against your letter.
- Written notification is not a guarantee of an excused absence.
Practices regarding inclement weather:
Based on the current and predicted weather conditions, we will decide if it is realistic for the band to practice. If heavy rain is constant, the band will rehearse indoors at the high school. Should weather prevent the band from practicing (thunder, lighting, etc.), there will be an announcement made through text alerts (Remind), emails (Cut Time), and the band website ( If you are unsure about reporting to rehearsal, call the band room (770-967-0080, ext. 13252).
Home Football Games regarding inclement weather:
Students will report at the assigned time, regardless of weather conditions. Attendance will be recorded, and absences and points will be recorded. If the weather allows, the band will participate in all game and halftime activities. If conditions are potentially damaging, students will either be held in the band room or bus until halftime in the hopes that conditions will improve or a “RAIN BAND” will be called. This means that students will be asked to volunteer their time to perform (brass and percussion) or to cheer in the band section (woodwinds and auxiliaries). All other students will be dismissed before the Rain Band reports to the stadium. Students in Rain Band will not wear band uniforms, but all regular game procedures will be followed. Students not participating in Rain Band will have to pay to get into the stadium if they stay for the game.
Away Football Games regarding inclement weather:
Based on the current and predicted weather conditions, we will decide if it is realistic for the band to load and travel to the game location. If we feel there is a chance that the weather will improve enough for students to participate, we will travel. However, if inclement weather seems inevitable, it is in the best interest of our students not to sit on buses in the parking lot for several hours trying to wait out the weather.
Inclement Weather Uniform:
Depending on the weather and the timing of the weather, the directors may find it necessary to call for students to wear a rain uniform. This announcement would be made before the end of school on the day of the performance so that students would know how to arrive dressed for in-seat time. The rain uniform will consist of blue jeans, a band t-shirt, and tennis shoes. If students plan to remain after school until report time, we suggest that if rain is predicted, students come to school prepared with rain uniform items.
Based on the current and predicted weather conditions, we will decide if it is realistic for the band to practice. If heavy rain is constant, the band will rehearse indoors at the high school. Should weather prevent the band from practicing (thunder, lighting, etc.), there will be an announcement made through text alerts (Remind), emails (Cut Time), and the band website ( If you are unsure about reporting to rehearsal, call the band room (770-967-0080, ext. 13252).
Home Football Games regarding inclement weather:
Students will report at the assigned time, regardless of weather conditions. Attendance will be recorded, and absences and points will be recorded. If the weather allows, the band will participate in all game and halftime activities. If conditions are potentially damaging, students will either be held in the band room or bus until halftime in the hopes that conditions will improve or a “RAIN BAND” will be called. This means that students will be asked to volunteer their time to perform (brass and percussion) or to cheer in the band section (woodwinds and auxiliaries). All other students will be dismissed before the Rain Band reports to the stadium. Students in Rain Band will not wear band uniforms, but all regular game procedures will be followed. Students not participating in Rain Band will have to pay to get into the stadium if they stay for the game.
Away Football Games regarding inclement weather:
Based on the current and predicted weather conditions, we will decide if it is realistic for the band to load and travel to the game location. If we feel there is a chance that the weather will improve enough for students to participate, we will travel. However, if inclement weather seems inevitable, it is in the best interest of our students not to sit on buses in the parking lot for several hours trying to wait out the weather.
Inclement Weather Uniform:
Depending on the weather and the timing of the weather, the directors may find it necessary to call for students to wear a rain uniform. This announcement would be made before the end of school on the day of the performance so that students would know how to arrive dressed for in-seat time. The rain uniform will consist of blue jeans, a band t-shirt, and tennis shoes. If students plan to remain after school until report time, we suggest that if rain is predicted, students come to school prepared with rain uniform items.
REMEMBER: Young adults do not roughhouse or damage property. As Cherokee Bluff Band members, you reflect not only the values you learn at Cherokee Bluff but those of your community as well. BAND MEMBERS ARE EXPECTED TO BE AT THE RIGHT PLACE, AT THE RIGHT TIME, WITH THE RIGHT EQUIPMENT—READY TO GO!
The Band Directors reserve the right to dismiss and send home any student who disobeys the rules and whose general conduct and attitude is determined to be detrimental to the rest of the group.
The Band Directors reserve the right to dismiss and send home any student who disobeys the rules and whose general conduct and attitude is determined to be detrimental to the rest of the group.