CBBA President |
CBBA 1st Vice President |
CBBA 2nd Vice President |
CBBA Treasurer |
CBBA Secretary |
- Have general supervision of the affairs of the Band Association, to include establishment of policy and control of the operation of the Band Association as outlined by the band directors (or other appointed personnel from school administration);
- Set long-range goals, including but not limited to approving the acquisition of major equipment, replacing uniforms, and generating community support;
- Transact such business as may be referred to it by the membership of the Band Boosters;
- Prepare and submit an annual budget to the Band Association’s general membership for adoption;
- Approve payment of routine bills within the limits of the approved budget;
- Fill all vacancies in office, and
- Have the power to act in the place of the membership on matters on an emergency basis that require immediate action.
The President shall execute the daily business of the organization and preside at all meetings of the Band Association; coordinate the work of the officers and committees of the Band Association in order that the purposes may be promoted; appoint special committees; sign and execute all contracts, agreements or other obligations in the name of the Band Association as authorized by the Executive Board; be a signatory on all financial accounts of the Band Association (unless that function has been expressly delegated to the Secretary by the Executive Board or is required by the Hall County Schools policy to be someone other than the President); serve as an ex officio member of all committees; and perform such other duties as defined by the CBBA bylaws, or directed by the Executive Board.
The First Vice-President – (Ways & Means) shall aide the President; perform the duties of the president in the president’s absence or inability to serve; shall serve as an administrative assistant to the President; will manage all general fundraising activities and committees to include but not limited to: Ways & Means, Concessions and Corporate Sponsorships and Donations; is an ex-officio member of these committees and will be the liaison between these committees and the Executive Board; and perform such other duties as defined by the CBBA bylaws, or directed by the President, Band Directors, or the Executive Board.
The Second Vice-President – Support Services shall serve as an administrative assistant to the President; will manage general activities and committees in support of the students and Band Director(s) to include but not limited to: Volunteers, Uniforms, Hospitality, Chaperones, Logistics, and IT/Communications; is an ex-officio member of these committees and will be the liaison between these committees and the Executive Board; shall also be a member of the Finance Committee; and perform such other duties as prescribed by the CBBA bylaws, or directed by the President, Band Directors, or the Executive Board.
The Secretary shall record the minutes of each general and Executive Board meeting; read or distribute printed copies of the minutes of the previous meeting for approval; have minutes from previous meeting for reference at each meeting; maintain Band Boosters meeting minutes for a period of five years; determine the presence of a quorum prior to any business being conducted; call the meeting to order in the absence of the president and first vice-president; register their signature at the bank as an emergency signatory; and perform such other duties as may be provided for by the CBBA bylaws, or directed by the President, Band Directors, or the Executive Board.
The Treasurer shall be the custodian of and shall receive and safely keep, and account for, all monies and other property of the Band Association; shall make payments and disbursements as directed by the Executive Board and in accordance with the budget adopted by the membership; and shall deposit any funds of the Band Association in such banks as may be designated by the Executive Board; shall keep an exact account of the financial standing of all members wherein organization funds are affected, and shall render a complete financial report at each meeting of the Band Association; shall maintain a paper trail of all financial dealings of the Band Boosters to include the use of a check request form; shall present to the Executive Board and to the membership a monthly financial report showing all money received and disbursed, the balance in the treasury, other debt balances, and the Band Booster’s status relative to the annual budget; the budget report shall include the actual income and expenses in each category and indicate the discrepancies between the budgeted and actual amounts; will ensure that all individuals being paid by the Band Association are paid in accordance with IRS guidelines to include the completion of all appropriate forms; shall co-sign checks with the President or Secretary; and shall have the books audited once each year by such auditor as the Executive Board may select.