- Everyone is to remain at the front door until given permission to load.
- Names will be checked as students board the bus.
- Anyone not on the list goes last and must be added to the list. (Drum Major checks bus to bus).
- No one enters through the emergency door of the bus.
- Instruments should go under seats when possible, in back two seats if too large to fit under the student’s seat.
- No screaming or excessive noise.
- Any incidence of searing/profanity; arms and heads outside windows; uniform abuse; etc., will be dealt with by director upon return to Cherokee Bluff HS.
- The bus should be kept clean at all times. Student leaders and chaperones are NOT bus maids. Student leaders will check their assigned bus for trash, lost equipment and other items that may have been left behind. Chaperones and Student Leaders have the authority to call individuals back to the bus to clean or claim found items.
- Electronic entertainment devices are allowed with headphones only.
- Depending on conditions, we will announce our procedures for stadium entry, case storage, etc. when we arrive at our destination. Students should remain seated and quiet until the “all clear” to unload.
- If any written information schedules, gate passes, etc. needs to be distributed, and this will be done by the adult chaperone posted at the front door of the bus. The information will be given to the students as they exit the bus.
- Band assembly times will vary with the football schedule, and will be announced during the “dress rehearsal” prior to the day of the game.
- Students should unload buses in full uniform.
- Instrument cases and ponchos will not be needed except in the event of inclement weather.
- All instruments and uniform parts should be cleaned regularly to remove the excess dirt that accumulates when playing outdoors.
- No band member is permitted to leave the organization in advance of group dismissal at any time, unless excused by the director ONE WEEK PRIOR TO THE PERFORMANCE.
- While seated in the stands, only band members are allowed in the ranks.
- The band will always sit in sections.
- Attention should be given to the band director and Drum Majors when they are standing in front of the band.
- We play only as a group in the stands. Solo performance is strictly prohibited.
- No inappropriate cheers. Organized cheers, planned ahead of time or done with the cheerleaders are permitted.
- Wind players should avoid jumping around in the stands, and should remain seated whenever possible in order to avoid accidental damage to the instruments.
- In order to move from place to place in rapid manner, we must be able to give instructions to the group in an organized manner.
- Students will ride buses back to Cherokee Bluff HS following away games and will be released after the announcements in the band room. It is requested that parents and friends DO NOT PARK in unmarked areas or on the curb, in order to prevent hazardous conditions involving the buses and equipment truck.