Dear Students and Parents:
Band Camp begins on July 19 (Pre-Camp Rehearsals). ALL students must attend ALL required rehearsals of Band Camp (both weeks) to be a performing member of the Marching Bears. It will be a great two weeks of fun and hard work. You will be amazing at the amount of music and choreography that can be learned in just a few days!
This page includes vital information about the camp schedule as well as documents that we need signed and returned to the mandatory band parent meeting on Monday, July 19 (7:00pm) in the CBHS Bandroom.
Band Camp begins on July 19 (Pre-Camp Rehearsals). ALL students must attend ALL required rehearsals of Band Camp (both weeks) to be a performing member of the Marching Bears. It will be a great two weeks of fun and hard work. You will be amazing at the amount of music and choreography that can be learned in just a few days!
This page includes vital information about the camp schedule as well as documents that we need signed and returned to the mandatory band parent meeting on Monday, July 19 (7:00pm) in the CBHS Bandroom.
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The following forms must be read and signed by both the student performer and parent/guardian. These forms are due ASAP!