FRIday, October 6, 2023
Cherokee Bluff vs. East Forsyth (Homecoming)
*Note: Because of Homecoming festivities happening during Halftime (and with the visiting band performing during Pre-Game, the Marching Bears will not perform their show on the field; however, we will be supporting our football team for all four quarters of this game. Students will have Halftime off to take a break before the start of the second half.
*Note: Because of Homecoming festivities happening during Halftime (and with the visiting band performing during Pre-Game, the Marching Bears will not perform their show on the field; however, we will be supporting our football team for all four quarters of this game. Students will have Halftime off to take a break before the start of the second half.
Site Address: Cherokee Bluff HS Bears Stadium
Game Tickets ($8) - All tickets can be purchased via GoFan. Contact the front office for additional information.
Game Tickets ($8) - All tickets can be purchased via GoFan. Contact the front office for additional information.
We will be wearing our Full Marching Band Uniform (Jacket, Bibbers, Shoes, etc.), and Ball Caps for this game.
Students should also bring Water Jugs.
Students should also bring Water Jugs.
5:50pm All percussionist should move equipment into the stadium (including drum stands)
6:00pm All students report to the band room.
6:10pm Students should change into uniforms (Black Undershirt, Bibbers, Shoes, and Ball Cap)
6:30pm Attendance Recorded; All students seated ready for announcements.
6:45pm Band line-up and march into stadium
6:55pm Full Band should be set and ready in the stands in assigned areas (TBA)
7:00pm East Forsyth HS Band performs (we will sit in the stands and cheer and support their performance).
7:10pm Band Begins Playing in Stands / National Anthem
7:30pm KICK-OFF
Halftime Homecoming Festivities (the band will be dismissed for break and will return with 2 minutes left in halftime).
After the
Game Students will help clean band set areas and move all equipment back to the band room.
TBA Student dismissal after all uniforms are collected and the band room and storage areas are clean.
Students are not dismissed until these areas have been check off by Mr. Cantrell.
6:00pm All students report to the band room.
6:10pm Students should change into uniforms (Black Undershirt, Bibbers, Shoes, and Ball Cap)
6:30pm Attendance Recorded; All students seated ready for announcements.
6:45pm Band line-up and march into stadium
6:55pm Full Band should be set and ready in the stands in assigned areas (TBA)
7:00pm East Forsyth HS Band performs (we will sit in the stands and cheer and support their performance).
7:10pm Band Begins Playing in Stands / National Anthem
7:30pm KICK-OFF
Halftime Homecoming Festivities (the band will be dismissed for break and will return with 2 minutes left in halftime).
After the
Game Students will help clean band set areas and move all equipment back to the band room.
TBA Student dismissal after all uniforms are collected and the band room and storage areas are clean.
Students are not dismissed until these areas have been check off by Mr. Cantrell.